Tryll - Redemption Lycalithum of Dramidia

1.1 - Commerce and Trade

Subsection 1.11: Conversion of Currencies

It is illegal for anyone other than official moneychangers to convert gems to coin, or coin to gems. It is also illegal for anyone other than an official moneychanger to handle the conversion of foreign currency into Dramidian Standard currency. All said transactions will apply a 5% charge to pay the moneychanger, and a 5% tax which shall go to the legal Government of Dramidia.

Subsection 1.12: Large Scale Transactions

Any sale or trade of goods or services within the confines of a major city of more than 1,000 gp must be handled by an official moneychanger, with the above mentioned tax being applied at this time.

Subsection 1.13: Legitimate Business

No business may open, or operate, within Dramidia without express and written permission from the local authorities. Said business must be registered, and copies of the registration papers must be kept on the business premises at all times.

Subsection 1.14: Other Laws

Businesses are expected to conform to those laws which apply to citizens, where applicable. Failure to adhere to the law may result in the imprisonment of the business owner, and those who work the business. Further penalties and fines may be assessed, and the business may be closed, or sold, with no recompense provided for the business owner.

Subsection 1.15: Counterfeiting

It is illegal for anyone other than the Office of the Royal Exchequer to mint coins bearing any type of stamp, emblem, or symbol which would represent it as official or unofficial currency of Dramidia.

1.2 - Taxation

Subsection 1.21: Citizen's Taxation

All citizens must report to the city department of revenues monthly and pay 15% of their monthly net incomes. 10% of this amount is to go to the Royal Tax Collector, and the remaining 5% is allotted to the Regional Tax Collector. Any visitations from official tax collectors shall be dealt with promptly and accurately. All records and books shall be made available to tax collectors on request.

Subsection 1.22: Nobleman's Taxation

All noblemen within the Dramidia are subject to tariffs in the form of taxes, to the amount of 15%. 10% of this amount is to go to the Royal Tax Collector, and the remaining 5% is allotted to the Regional Tax Collector. In addition, they may be required to provide men for military conscription, or to providing lodgings, manpower or material for the purposes of support of the Regional Defense Forces.

Subsection 1.23: Business Taxation

All business will pay 10% of their monthly net income to the Royal Tax Collector, and 5% of their monthly net income to the Regional Tax Collector. Both taxes may be collected by a representative of one office or the other, to be later redirected to the appropriate governmental body.

Subsection 1.24: Adventurer Taxation

All adventurers will be required to pay 15% of their monthly gross income in taxation. 10% of this tax shall be given over to the Royal Tax Collector, and 5% of this tax shall be applied to the Regional Tax Collector. All adventurers are required to have an official address that their home region may be identified, and the money dispersed accordingly.

Subsection 1.23: Interference

Interference with a Regional or Royal Tax Collector is a criminal offense, and may result in execution, fine or imprisonment.

2.1 - Duties of Citizenry

Subsection 2.11: Independent Forces

Nobles are required to encamp any force in excess of 20 men beyond the extent of the local city walls. In addition, any noble who is traveling with any force in excess of 20 men at arms must report their movements and activities to the Defense Forces of the Region in which they travel, or otherwise expect to be active within. This notification must be in writing, and be submitted at least 30 days prior to such actions and activities. Any who violate this law shall do so under risk of high treason.

Subsection 2.12: Equine Possessions

All citizens are required to register horses for the purposes of taxation and proof of ownership. Horses shall be taxed at the rate of 10 gp per year per horse owned. In addition, in time of need, citizens may be required to turn their horses and other livestock over to the Regional Defense Forces.

Subsection 2.13: Weaponry

It is illegal for citizens to carry weapons or wear armor within the city limits, unless said citizen has received the sanction of the Regional and/or Royal government. Those of noble blood or rank are exempt from this ruling, except where ruled otherwise. Royal sanction to carry public arms is valid in any city or region within Dramidia.

Subsection 2.14: Mercenary Companies

Mercenary Companies of 2-20 men shall remain lodged at the same inn, to be selected by mutual consent of all members of said groups prior to entry into city.

Subsection 2.15: Loyalty

Denouncement of these laws, or the government of Dramidia, is an act of treason. Violators shall be executed.

Subsection 2.16: Banishment

Banished Persons may be slain at any time, by any citizen, except where they have come under the protection of a recognized church or temple. Banished persons garbed in white robes, and plainly bearing a Holy Symbol shall be recognized as being thus protected. Violation of Holy Sanctuary shall be punishable by death.

Subsection 2.17: Fire No open fire sources are allowed within the city walls, without express and prior written permission. Violators will be fined.

Subsection 2.18: Lawbreakers

Transgressors of the Law of Dramidia may have all of their properties and possessions seized by the courts of Dramidia.

Subsection 2.19: Interference

No citizen may obstruct traffic. No citizen may interfere with the law, or the pursuit, capture, or imprisonment of a known or suspected criminal. Failure to aid a lawful member of the Constabulary upon request is punishable by imprisonment.

2.2 - Public Conduct

Subsection 2.21: Violence

Fighting in public is forbidden.

Subsection 2.22: Drunkenness

Drunkenness, or displays of vulgar and base behavior is forbidden.

2.3 - Religious Freedom

Subsection 2.31: Guarantees

To threaten the religious beliefs of the community, or to threaten those of a religion, is expressly forbidden. Any attempt to persecute or inhibit the growth or expression of freedom of religion shall be punishable by death.

Subsection 2.32: Individuals

Each individual is free to worship at the church or churches of his choice, and to honor his gods as he sees fit, in accordance with accepted worship practices, except where such worship is expressly illegal or forbidden by local law or statute. Certain exceptions may apply - check with regional authorities to determine what exceptions are currently accepted.

3.1 - Magic

Subsection 3.11: Magic use

Public use of any type of magic within city limits walls is forbidden, unless officially sanctioned by the Regional or Royal government. Registered legal Magic Users must have their papers validated by local authorities, and must carry at least one copy of these papers on their person at all times.

Subsection 3.12: Sale of Magical Items

The sale of Magical Artifacts or other treasures of antiquity within Dramidia is illegal. Offenders will be punished to the extreme of local and Royal law, as well as the laws of the Assembly of Alyndria.

Subsection 3.13: Magic Users

All Mages and Magic Users must report to the local Assembly College, and register as being present in that city. No mage may leave a city in which he is registered without first applying for the College's leave. Mages must carry their registration papers on their person at all times.

Subsection 3.14: Magical Creatures

All Enchanted Monsters are hereby forever banned from Dramidia. Any such creatures sighted within Dramidia shall be assumed hostile, and be immediately destroyed.

4.1 - Adventuring Groups

Subsection 4.11: Lodgings

All Adventuring Groups shall remain lodged at the same inn, to be selected by mutual consent of all members of the said group, prior to entry into the city.

Subsection 4.12: Fighters

All Fighters must report to the city militia barracks, and register there. Fighters must carry their registration papers on their person at all times.

Subsection 4.13: Thieves

All thieves are hereby forever banned from the country of Dramidia. Thieves caught in Dramidia will be fined and punished, as deemed fitting by the local government.

Subsection 4.14: Mages

See Section 3.1, Subsection 3.13.

Subsection 4.15: Clerics

Clerics of established gods are welcomed and honored in Dramidia. Clerics of strange or foreign gods must register their gods with local authorities before said god will be recognized as holy and worthy of worship. Clerical magic of unrecognized gods will be deemed magical, and subject to the laws set out in Section 3.1.

5.1 - Government

Subsection 5.11: Authority

All authority is to be detailed in an hierarchical order, i.e. local militia, mayor, Baron, Regional Chancellor, Royal Representative, Overlord and King.

Subsection 5.12: Vandalism

Defacing of city property is forbidden.

6.1 - Property

Subsection 6.11: Pets

All pets and other such novelty livestock shall be collared and leashed within the city. The responsibility for any damage done by, or directly or indirectly attributable to, a pet shall be placed directly upon that pet's owner.

Subsection 6.12: Slaves

All slaves are to be branded, and have their papers carried by their owner. All slaves are to wear collars and manacles while in public. Free slaves must have their papers registered with the Regional Defense Forces and the department of taxation in the Regional home of record, and must carry at least one copy at all times on person.

Subsection 6.13: Sailing Vessels

Only registered citizens of the Dramidia may purchase sailing vessels of any sort. Purchase of sailing vessels by foreigners will be considered treason. Privately owned sailing vessels are subject to conscription by the City of Registration in times of war or martial law.

7.1 - Criminal Offenses

Subsection 7.11: Murder

It is a criminal offense to knowingly cause the cessation of life of any human, elven, dwarven, gnomish, or half-giant person. Anyone convicted of such an offense faces punishments ranging from execution to fine or imprisonment.

Subsection 7.12: Manslaughter

It is a criminal offense unknowingly cause the cessation of life of any human, elven, dwarven, gnomish, or half-giant person, or to knowingly cause the death of a kender. Anyone convicted of such an offense faces punishments ranging from execution to fine or imprisonment.

Subsection 7.13: Rape

It is an offense to engage in the act of sexual intercourse with any person without the express consent of that person.


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