'Tis I, Beyak, Exalted of v'Ran, Holy Among Holies, Highest Among Those of the Light. Likely, ye thought me dead. Disabuse thyself of that inane notion, thou adder-pate. I couldst hardly be here, writing this now, if I were dead, now could I?
Be it known that the time of Prophecy draws nigh. The Ancient Evil, Lord of Dark Light, King of Eternity, Lightsbane, doth arise from his eternal prison. Once called Ashen, now known by his new name, ta-naihr'Ko, the Strong Lord.
As with any birth, there be pain, screams, and blood. The re-Birth of ta-naihr'Ko shall be no exeption. As ye read this, the Lord of Dark Light struggles against his bonds, and shall soon break free. When he doth, he shall bring with him such pain and misery as undreamt of even by Jhuva. Even the gods quake at his awakening.
Heroes of Prophecy do strive to prevent the Awakening; or, failing this, to aid the gods in battling ta-naihr'Ko. What use their strivings is not known, even unto one as wise and puissant as myself. Time, as always, spins her own tale, at her own pace. |