Frequency: |
Very rare |
Organization: |
Solitary |
Activity Cycle: |
Any |
Diet: |
None |
Intelligence: |
Genius (17-18) |
Treasure: |
See below |
Alignment: |
Lawful Evil |
No. Appearing: |
1d2 |
Armor Class: |
-3 |
Movement: |
15, Fly 18 (B) |
Hit Dice: |
9 |
9 |
No. of Attacks: |
2 |
Damage/Attack: |
1d10+6 or special |
Special Attacks: |
See below |
Special Defenses: |
See below |
Magic Resistance: |
45% |
Size: |
Large (12' tall) |
Morale: |
Fearless (19-20) |
XP Value: |
14,000 |
Appearance Shackle Fiends are demons summoned from the home plane of the lesser god Jhuva. These creatures are solid black, and extremely muscular (18/00 Strength). They have thick, leathery wings, similar to those of a bat.
There are two varieties of Shackle Fiends, Red-eyed and Blue-eyed. The Red-eyed Fiend attacks primarily fighters and thieves, while the Blue-eyed concentrates primarily on mages and clerics. Multi-classed combinations are vulnerable to attack from either variety.
Combat: Each variety attacks in a similar fashion, with similar combat statistics. If a Fiend hits its target with a roll 4 or more greater than the number needed to hit, a special effect is triggered. With this hit, no damage is done, but a magical shackle appears, affecting a random limb (roll 1d4: 1 - left arm; 2 - right arm; 3 - left leg; 4 - right leg. Re-roll if that limb is already shackled).
If created by a Red-eyed Shackle Fiend, the shackle glows red, and has the following effect: movement is slowed by ¼; attack rolls are at a -2 to hit; damage is reduced by -2. These effects are cumulative. The shackles represent a magical drain being placed upon the affected creature. They remain for 1d4 hours, or until the Shackle Fiend is slain. A shackle can be dispelled (roll separately for each shackle against level 15th magic).
If left by a Blue-eyed Shackle Fiend, the shackle glows blue, and has the following effect: movement is slowed by ¼; casting times are increased by 2 segments, and the character suffers a 10% chance of spell failure. These effects are cumulative. Like the red shackles, the blue shackles are magical effects, and may be dispelled.
Once a character has all four limbs shackled, he is subject to a hold person spell, with a -3 penalty. As long as the character is held by the shackles, he must continue to save every round. Note that, while a shackled character may make his first save, he must continue to save every round, until he is held, or until the shackles are dispelled or their duration expires. |