Dagger of the Dale
This is a small dagger +1. It's handle is wrought from the horn of a slain bull, and is slightly curved. The blade is dark black, and emits a deep chill, which can be sensed by anyone within 5'. This chill does no damage.
White runes run down the side of the blade, written in a forgotten language. If a sage is consulted, and the runes translated, they read "Ice of death, smite my foes". If these words are chanted by the dagger's wielder, the blade will glow with a soft white radiance. The next creature struck by the dagger must pass a successful save vs. spells or suffer the effects of a chill touch spell. This ability may be used but once a day.
Each time the dagger's chill ability is used, there is a flat 5% chance that the blade shatters due to the extreme cold, and the dagger is rendered inert.
Darts of Stoning
These magical darts can be used only by mages or thieves. They are considered magical for purposes of damaging creatures immune to normal weapons, but have no active pluses. When struck by a dart of stoning, a creature must pass a save vs. death magic or be turned to stone.
If one of these darts misses, it retains it's magic, but it is destroyed if it hits its target. There are typically 1d4 of these darts.
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Short Swords
ar'Merrick's Meek Revenge
This short sword +2 was created by Deris ar'Merrick, son of the mage Merrick ar'Kane. The sword has a steel blade and guard, and the hilt is wrapped in a strange, blue-green leather. On the pommel rests a bright-blue sapphire, with flecks of diamond somehow embedded within it. Any creature killed by this blade is automatically reincarnated (as per the 6th level mage spell). It will remember it's life, unless it's personality is sublimated by that of the new form. Chances are, it will seek revenge. It can be strange to suddenly find yourself being hunted by orcs and bugbears...
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