First Level Spells | Second Level Spells | Third Level Spells | Fourth Level Spells | Fifth Level Spells | Sixth Level Spells | Seventh Level Spells | Eighth Level Spells | Ninth Level Spells
Corantus' Teleport Tracker
Lesser Divination
Level: |
2 |
Range: |
10 yards |
Components: |
V, S |
Duration: |
1 hour, + 1 turn per level |
Casting Time: |
2 |
Area of Effect: |
Special |
Saving Throw: |
None |
The arch mage Corantus (who lived before the Sundering) absolutely despised enemy mages who fled battle through the use of spells. Although he could most often find his enemies, he often had difficulties if they used translocation magic to flee. This spell was his first effort in tracing such characters.
This spell locks onto the magical signature left behind by a teleport or dimensional door spell. It must be cast on the same round, or the round immediately after, such a spell is cast. The teleport tracker traces the magical energies, and creates a glowing green arrow. This arrow hovers above the ground, exactly 3 feet in front of the caster, and points in whatever direction the fleeing character now is in.
The arrow moves with the mage, allowing her to move towards her target, until the spell expires. If the fleeing character had used teleport without error to flee the plane, this spell has no effect, and fizzles out.
Arcane Study
Alteration, Conjuration
Level: |
3 |
Range: |
Touch |
Components: |
V, S, M |
Duration: |
1 hour/level |
Casting Time: |
1 turn |
Area of Effect: |
Special |
Saving Throw: |
None |
This spell is similar to Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, in that it creates an area of extra-dimensional space. In this case, however, the arcane study spell creates only one room. In order to cast this spell, the mage must touch a section of wall. The wall must be made of wood, iron, or stone, or any combination thereof.
The spell creates an magical doorway, visible only to the caster, and those he designates. The caster may designate 1 extra person for every 3 levels he possesses. The door will be visible to anyone employing spells such as detect invisibility, detect magic, or true seeing. Furthermore, any creature with an Intelligence of 19 or higher can see the door automatically. Anyone who can see the door can open it.
The doorway leads to a single room. The room varies in size, and is 10' long on a side, + 2 feet per level of the caster. No furnishings, food or drink are created in this room. Only those items brought into the room will exist here.
When the spell expires, anyone still in the room will be forcibly ejected back into the Prime Material Plane, suffering 1d6+10 hps of damage in the process. Furthermore, each character so ejected must pass a successful save vs. spells or be ejected into the Astral plane instead (the damage is not suffered in this case).
The material components of this spell are a small iron cube and a piece of wool.
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Mnemonic Implant
Level: |
4 |
Range: |
Touch |
Components: |
V, S |
Duration: |
Permanent |
Casting Time: |
4 |
Area of Effect: |
One person or creature |
Saving Throw: |
Negates |
This spell is similar to the second level forget spell, except that it allows for the altering of the subject's specific memories.
The first application of this spell allows the mage to extract specific memories from the subject's mind. One minor memory (amount of money in purse, home address, etc.) can be stripped for every two levels of the caster. Major memories (i.e. the subject's name, character class, even full identity) are stronger, and only one can be stripped for every four levels of the caster.
The second application of this spell allows the caster to implant specific memories in the subject's mind. These memories can replace those taken, or even contradict previously existing memories.
The target is allowed an initial saving throw to avoid the effects of this spell. A priest's heal or restoration spell, if cast specifically for this purpose, will restore the lost memories and destroy the false memories, as will a limited wish or wish, or psychic surgery, but no other means will do so.
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Point of Return
Level: |
5 |
Range: |
5 yards |
Components: |
V |
Duration: |
1 day per level |
Casting Time: |
5 |
Area of Effect: |
Special |
Saving Throw: |
None |
The point of return spell is a variation on the teleport spell. Using this spell, the mage creates a magical resonance on a specific area (within 5 yards of the caster when the spell is cast). This resonance remains in existence for 1 day per level of the mage.
If, during this time, the caster wishes to return to the resonance point, he may do so simply by casting a teleport. If returning to the resonance site, the caster will be considered to be very familiar with the site in question.
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Blood Strength
Level: |
7 |
Range: |
Touch |
Components: |
V, S |
Duration: |
Instantaneous |
Casting Time: |
7 |
Area of Effect: |
One creature |
Saving Throw: |
Negates |
This spell may only be used properly by a Blood Clan mage. When cast, it allows the mage to drain Blood Strength from a member of an opposing Blood Clan. The victim is allowed a save vs. spells (with a -4 penalty) to avoid the affects of this spell.
Should the save fail, the victim loses 2d20 hps, permanently. For every 5 such hit points lost, the mage gains one BSP. If the hit point loss reduces the victim to less than 0 hps, then the victim dies immediately. Victims slain in this manner may not be raised, reincarnated or resurrected. A wish spell, if used to bring a character killed by this spell back to life will return the character as at first level, regardless of levels gained before he was killed.
If used against a non-Blood Clan member, the spell is only mildly affective. The hit point drain still takes place, but the caster gains no BSPs.
If used by a mage who is not a member of a Blood Clan against a Blood Clan member, the caster must pass a save vs. death magic, or be killed. If he lives, he will gain the proper number of BSPs, and effectively become a member of the Blood Clan of his victim. Of course, he will be considered an outcast by this clan, who will seek to kill him on sight.
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Lock Shapechange
Level: |
7 |
Range: |
10 yards per level |
Components: |
V, S |
Duration: |
1 round per level |
Casting Time: |
7 |
Area of Effect: |
One creature |
Saving Throw: |
Negates |
This spell allows the mage to temporarily suspend the shapechanging abilities of one creature, unless a saving throw vs. spells is made. For instance, if cast upon a werewolf, it would lock the creature into the form it was in when the spell was cast. It works against any creature or humanoid with shapechanging abilities, such as werewolves, dragons, dopplegangers, or magical spells (i.e. polymorph self, polymorph other, shape change, massmorph, etc.).
The victim is locked into the shape or form he is in when the spell is cast. The spell is ineffective on a creature who is already in the act of changing from one form to another, but remains active, affecting the creature once it's change is complete.
If the victim is in a shape which transcends kingdoms (i.e. a human who is under a polymorph any object and is now a chair, or a recipient of the clerical massmorph spell), he must make a saving throw vs.. spells with a -2 penalty.
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