Lethal Distracter
(from my module, "The Vault of Time") The lethal distracter is a black, egg shaped object the size of a man's head. There is a peep hole at the pointy end. Anyone looking into the peephole is instantly caught by the distracter. The trap resembles the phantasmal killer spell in that the victim is forced to fight a fearsome foe. The foe has the same armor class and the same number of hit points as the victim at full health, and fights as a specialized fighter of the same level, using a longsword. The enemy is very quick (-1 to initiative) and fights to the death.
The battle is quick, lasting only for one round. However, subjective time is slower, and the victim actually fights for ten rounds, subjective time.
If, at any time during the fight, someone blocks the peep hole, then the victim is forcibly ejected from the battle, and must make a system shock roll, or die of shock. Remember, as the victims time is so much slower, if a friend states his intention to block the peep hole, he must make an initiative roll. The number rolled indicates on which of the victim's rounds the blocking takes place (i.e.. if the friend rolls a 6, then the victim must fight for only six rounds before being ejected from the distracter).
Characters killed in the distracter are quite dead. If the Player Character kills the foe, or is still alive at the end of the battle, he is ejected from the battle, and all damage suffered is instantly healed.
Orb of Distance
The orb of distance is a 2' diameter steel ball, which floats at whatever level it is put. This item allows up to three people to create phantasmal doubles of themselves. These doubles, although illusionary, are also semi-real. Through the orb, the users may send their doubles to any location scryable by the orb (which, for this purpose, acts as a crystal ball).
The users can place their consciousness into the orb, and control the phantom doubles directly. Alternately, they can pre-program a series of actions into the orb, and then send the doubles out to perform those actions. Should the latter option be taken, the users are free to observe the actions of the doubles through the orb.
No matter which options are chosen, the orb is a one shot item. After the doubles have completed their task, or, after 1 hour has expired, the orb disappears. Some sages believe the orb reappears at another location at a later date, but thus far, no one has been able to confirm this suspicion.
As the doubles are only quasi-real, an attempt may be made to disbelieve. If it is successful, the character sees the doubles as smoky gray, partially transparent shades. However, because the doubles are quasi-real, the damage they cause is still semi-effective (60% of normal damage).
If the users of the orb choose to control the doubles personally, they may obviously react to the situation fully, changing tactics to suit the changing situation. However, they will suffer damage as their doubles do, but luckily, only half. If the double is reduced to zero hit points, it is disrupted, and the user must pass a system shock roll, or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours.
If pre-programmed, the doubles may only accept relatively simple instructions. These instructions may include anything as general as "kill the dwarf in the red hat", or fairly complex, such as "attack the dwarf, elf, human, then repeat". The double is incapable of casting spells if pre-programmed (only an active consciousness on the part of a spellcaster would render the double capable of casting spells). The double has the attack and defense statistics of whomever it was created to resemble.
Pre-programmed doubles will give chase to their targets if they flee, and can fly at a movement rate of 15 (A). If actively controlled, the double only has the movement rate of whomever is controlling it.
Rock of Draining
(from my module, "The Vault of Time")This rock is a deep purple, with veins of silver running through it. It was discovered years ago by the dwarves as they mined for ore. A visiting mage realized that it was magical, and bought it from the dwarves for study. The rock resisted all attempts at magical identifying, but it's purpose slowly became clear. If any magical items were brought into the same room, the rock would begin to drain the magic from that item.
The rock takes one round to determine it's target, then begins to drain it's magic quickly. in the following order:
- Charged magical items (wands, staffs, etc.) at the rate of one charge per round.
- Magical weapons and items with pluses (e.g.. sword +2, ring of protection +1, etc.) at the rate of one plus every three rounds.
- Other magical items (ring of blinking, rug of flying, etc.), taking one full turn to drain each item.
The rock will totally ignore scrolls, spell books, magical effects (stone skins, contingencies, etc.) magical traps, and the like, affecting only magical items. If the magical item being drained is removed from the room in which the rock rests, the rock will no longer drain this item. If this item is brought back into the room, it stands the same chances of any other item of being drained.
If, after five days, the rock has not drained any magic from an item, it will use it's stored magical energy to teleport away to another location. If outdoors, or in a very large room, the rock has a draining range of 100 feet. However, the power of the rock is blocked by one inch of lead, four inches of stone, or one foot of wood.
Even though I have created numerous magic items, I don't want to post them before my players see them in the game (kinda ruins the surprise). Rest assured, as the PCs find the new items, I will be posting them here.